
We began supporting St. Peter & St. James Hospice in 2011 as their partner-in-care with monthly donations to help them continue to make a positive difference to the experience of everybody in our community who faces death or bereavement. Some activities to raise money have included Chris and June opening their garden annually to sell tea and cake as part of their local Open Gardens event and taking part in the 2012 & 2014 Brighton Marathon which to date has raised just over £2,000.00.

June at charity event
open garden charity event
open garden charity event image2

When we heard that Tony Marshal from Rudridge, one of our suppliers, had sadly passed away from a stroke, we felt inspired to involve our local family business to enter a team to join the FAST 50 walk. Our much loved dad and grandad, Cliff, is a stroke survivor and has met the extraordinary people who either work or volunteer their time and expertise to support and encourage stroke survivors and their families.

When stroke strikes, part of your brain shuts down. And so does a part of you. Life changes instantly and recovery is tough. But the brain can adapt. Our team raised the extraordinary sum of £1,492.93 for a valuable cause!


As well as supporting local charities Neat & Stripy Ltd believe it is important to do our bit in tackling global issues such as the eradication of poverty and helping to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality. Christian Aid have been  our chosen charity to fight these causes by giving monthly donations since 2008.

1 in 3 people worldwide don’t have a loo.  We have supported the charity in Bangui District, Central African Republic and Kalonga Community, Mumbwa, Zambia.  Toilet Twinning helps to flush away poverty.